Top 10 ways to lower your auto-insurance

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People want to save money as much as possible in a difficult economic situation. One of the expensive expenses in life, insurance includes life insurance, health insurance, housing insurance and auto insurance. In these insurance, family insurance and car insurance are things that you need to pay all the expenses yourself, unlike life insurance and health insurance that employers may help to pay some of the fee. Here are 10 ways to help lower your car insurance. Please raise your deductible amount, more deduction you have, less insurance than you intend to pay. However, when raising the deduction amount, the driver must be safe. Each insurance company will compare the estimates of different insurance companies, as the proportion of car insurance customers may be different. As the number of mileage to drive decreases, the number of times of driving decreases, the risk of collision decreases and vehicle insurance claims are reduced. If your credit score is low, you need to keep good credit and consider high risk customers, pay high rate premium 5. It means to protect safe drivers and reduce the risk of collision. Avoid lane noises, recognize conditions, do not tailgate, prepare a trip, do not stay, please avoid. Leave a clean driving record 7. If you combine car insurance with house insurance, you can further discount the price if you guarantee your home and car using the same insurance company. Choosing the right insurance range will increase the amount of insurance you will pay, but if the premium you pay will increase the insurance premium will be lower. There is a risk of paying insurance premiums when there is insurance payment. Defects at the time of collision. Please carefully select your car as the model of the car you are driving will affect your premium 10. Use discounts as discount helps lower your premiums

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